Injecting Drivers into Windows Server 2025 Installer
A Windows Post? Yes, it's been a while...
A Windows Post? Yes, it's been a while...
Yes, that is the correct password... Oh no it isn't!
Be part of the next (r)Evolution
Chris on Video Discussing Nutanix Migration - Courtesy of Cisco
Using Built-in Tools, No apps required
Big Things Were Made Possible
You get a dark site, you get a dark site and you do too
The Unexpected Third Act: Yet Further Simplification
Continuing Simple. Why didn't I think of that
Let's Start Simple. That would be Great
(AI Generated Title) Free GPTStack or Free-GPT-in-a-Box
Using the Free Migration Tool to Stay Free
The Numbers Behind the Boost
The Quintuple
Please Pass me the Performance Boost
Certified Master
No Money, No Problem: Introduction, Deployment and Site Pairing
Multi Cluster Management and More
Certified Storage Professional
Centrally Accessed, Physically Dispersed Storage - With Protection!
Certified Multicloud Professional
Networking Recognition
Centrally Accessed, Physically Dispersed Storage
Foundation Certification
Am I a Runner Now?
Configuration and Test VM Build
Now it's Time for Something Different
Give Me a Ping Vasily...
Caveats to the Virtual Networking Configuration
Four in a Row!
The Full Beans
Caveats to Just the Software Defined Network Security
Just the Software Defined Network Security
vCenter and NSX Management Back Together Again
Sawing Off the Branch You're Sitting On
Properly Provisioned
Last Call Before Recovery
Certified Fun?
Beyond Layer 7
Gone But Not Forgotten?
What Happens to be the Problem Here Then?
Never Used to be a Thing... It is Now
Simple Secure Usernames and Passwords
Scripting for the Win... Or Should that be for the Failure?
Monitoring and Reporting Regulatory Compliance
Creating Continual Regulatory Compliance
Zero Trust Data Protection
Egress Traffic and MEDdling with BGP
Federated Tier-1 Gateways
Federated Tier-0 Gateway
Remote Tunnel Endpoints
Multi Site Federation
Automated Site B Build
Site A Build
Lab Setup and Overview
Again, Again, Again!
Getting ready for NSX-T: Free Routing
All in One Connectivity and Statistics
Preparation H... H for what the Sam Hill?
Distributed Firewalling: Manually
The Greenest of Greenfield Deployments
Connectivity and Software Installation
Hardware, Requirement, Software, Solution
Scripted Notification
Who... Me? ...Again?
Firewall not -er- Firewalling
It is unified and extensible apparently
Why I'm not running it.. yet
Comprehensive Protection for vSphere Workloads
Problems Expanding ESXi VMFS Partitions
Disaster Strikes!
Site Pairing and Replication Configuration
No money, no problem: Introduction and Deployment
Making Site A Primary Again
Site A Back from the Dead!
Bye-bye Site A!
Why and Getting Familiar
Who... Me?
Non-Terminal Tweaking
Ouch, That Sounds Bad
The Unconfirmed Missing
Lost Control-er
Lets Get Virtual to Physical
CPUID and EAX Between Friends
Be gone CPU_SUPPORT Error!
Audio and video, no head ache
We're not living in the computing dark ages any more
Upgrading NSX in a cross-vCenter environment. Easy, unless...
Multi platform, muy sencillo!
The many faces of success
The smart watch with hands
The client side of the equation
Secure Access with two factor authentication... Why not?
Change your mind much? DoH...
Adverts, malware, tracking... stopped. Performance and privacy... increased!
Prioritising certain types of internet traffic over others
Two downloads and two commands
Option to push BGP/OSPF routes northbound greyed out? No problem!
Deployed Plex on Windows Server Core? Missing metadata and artwork? Here's the fix...
Resetting VMware Site Recovery Manager root, admin and database passwords
Fixing a no temperature display problem
Removal of old silicone sealant made easy!
Is it possible to create and deploy a Windows 2016 Nano Hyper-V Server into a VMware VM? Lets See...
How much memory does VMware ESXi consume for itself?
Safeguard your saved games or app data. Move app data between devices. No root? No problem!
Quick bit of partition manipulation...
Loading WinPE based diagnostic tools as quickly as possible...
Lets use our WDS server to deploy something other than Windows...
OK, this is the kind of thing you may only do the once, whilst on a training course...
OK, a tad of a “dry” subject, but hardly a week goes by without having to Google myself a subnet cheat sheet. Saves me from having to work this out manually!...
Why not put the internet to work for you?
First off, is it Symantec or Veritas NetBackup? :oS
So here we are. Finally a propper domain name for a propper blog!
So I finally had a chance to test this little doozy of an issue this lunchtime. Crash a webserver by issuing a simple wget command?
Just under a year ago now I was fortunate enough to be able to upgrade from ADSL to FTTC (Fibre To The Cabinet) VDSL broadband.
So here is a little fix for an unlicensed remote desktop session host I found…
File this one under a post for another day / ah yes, I’ve seen that before, cant remember how I fixed it however…
Quick post to let you know that yes, I’m still alive and I’ve just released version 2.0 of my popular link discovery tool for Windows, LDWin.
So what do you and 10 other people do in the woods at night?? No, not that... Ghost hunting of course!Where better to find some ghosts? Why, Pluckley; ...
A simple job then; lift and shift some Cisco UCS blades from a legacy site to into the Datacentre to help with capacity for consolidation in the Datacentre.
You may have noticed VMware have been busy growing their portfolio of products.Previously it was simple to understand VMware's software components; you effec...
Brand New!!!So you regularly use and enjoy using my WinCDP program. You wish it could also discover link information for devices connected to dev...
A quick non-too-technical post detailing the Cisco Unified Computing System (UCS) and how it works. No, I'm not affiliated with Cisco, I just work on U...
Having scoured the internet and drawing a blank when looking for a simple process to follow when adding a VLAN and subsequent VMware VM access port gro...
Check out BSOD Debugging: Part 1 if you missed it. OK, so you have your Windows debugging environment set up and you have a dump file to analyse. Lets ...
By now I'm sure we are all familiar with the humble Windows 'Blue Screen Of Death' (BSOD), displayed when windows crashes. No? Strange as they do tend to pop...
Mmmm a Roll with a Ham Feature...Quite often I'm asked to build servers that need to have identical configurations in terms of the Windows roles and features...
Yes, that is correct dear reader, your favorite cable tracing tool just got a version bump.Whats new in this release? Here you go:Release 1.3 - 02 Oct ...
Once again, continuing series of VMware vSphere update to build number tracking.As always, it's a simple bit of info, often hard to find.ESXi 5.1: ESXi 5.1 =...
Watch it. Do more. Get involved. I have. - Chris
Yep all 'pimped out' and looking good in its new Android Ice Cream Sandwich compliant style, checkout beta 3 of What The.....? Blog Reader for android. ...
Weighing in at fourth place most popular post on this site is Easy Bootable Antivirus CD/USB written in April 2010, just over two years ago (yes, time ...
Please don't get me wrong, Microsoft Remote Desktop is a great tool for remote control / administration of Windows Servers and desktops.However in later vers...
Once again, continuing series of VMware vSphere update to build number tracking.As always, it's a simple bit of info, often hard to find.ESXi 5.0: ESXi 5.0 =...
OK lets cut the jargon, the buzz words, the misconceptions, the downright rubbish. What is this 'cloud' all about? What exactly is cloud c...
Ages and ages ago, I posted an article detailing ESX Command Line Networking Configuration, and at the bottom of the post I added the sign off "Next time.......
No one likes to get stuck in a traffic jam. Much less one that could be avoided. Even more annoying is the 'jam out of the blue' on what is usu...
So you want to access the consoles of your VMware virtual machines, yet your chosen administration client is running Linux? No problem.Sure VMware provide th...
Another one to file in the "Yes, done that before, but I can't remember how" pile. Probably because it is so easy to do has some bearing on not being able to...
Lego.Hate it when stepping barefoot on a stray piece left hanging around or love it for keeping the kids quiet for hours... and hours.What other toy gives y...
So you have got a High Definition Television. You have also taken the plunge and gone for a Sky HD box (other HD solutions are available). You ha...
Happy new year. No your eyes do no deceive you, it is all change on the only blog that counts (TM). Now it counts even more!!!Hopefully you'll fi...
A credit card sized computer being developed by a UK based charitable foundation that is hoped will promote the education of computer science at school level...
Just recently a colleague of mine had some fun and games completing what should have been a simple clone of Windows 2008 R2 64bit VMware virtual machine.We m...
A question this comes up quite a bit: How can I find the World Wide Names (WWNs) of the fibre channel Host Bus Adapters (HBAs) my ESXi server fro...
Yes that's right the What The.....? Android application has just gone Beta!To mark this momentous occasion (remember developing in Java is completely new to ...
Ever since VMware stopped bundling the vSphere client in with ESX / ESXi, try as hard as I can, I can never seem to quickly and easily find the URL to downlo...
Whats wrong with this picture?Spotted it yet?Yes, that's right. The Data (D:) Properties dialogue does not tie up with the details shown in Disk Manage...
So you’ve built your VMware ESX server and your dead impressed with yourself that you got this far. You leave the datacentre head back to the office sa...
With all the iPhone tracking claims and counter claims, (see here for details) it appears that Google have been silently collecting and building a publicly a...
Yet another reminder / quick fire how to post. This time Windows 2008 R2 Clustering ready for a clustered SQL install.In it's latest guise, Windows 200...
Consider the above login screen, as seen when you login to either a Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 2008 machine that is joined to an Active Directory. The quest...
Think of some of the great technological advances of the 20 century, the industrial revolution, the advent of the internet, the desktop computer, the mobile ...
Thats right, What the.....? is now mobile! There's no excuse now for a bit of What the.....? even on the move! Everyone needs a bit of What the.....? in th...
"Vertigo is the conflict between the fear of falling and the desire to fall." I couldn't have put it better myself.Have you ever suffered from vertigo withou...
Continuing my series of quick fire reminders for when (a) I *think* I've seen that issue before and (b) I dont remember what the fix is / was. Previous post...
Over the years, I've tried many, many remote administration tools.For Windows, built in remote desktop is the best choice but you need an RDP (Remote Desktop...
What's happening around the world now? No, right now: this minute?Agreed dear readers, we have indeed looked at real-time trending before right here in...
Long gone are the days when mobile phones were simply used for making telephone calls.Nowadays these mini devices that we still call "mobile phones" more clo...
OK, time to go out on a limb here. It is a well known fact that reproduction from vinyl records and analogue audio equipment is superior to digital reproduct...
On the weekend of 11 and 12 of December 2010 it was discovered that the servers of Gawker Media (that includes the websites Gawker, Deadspin, Kotaku, Jezebe...
REDUX Adj: Brought back; returned. Used postpositively.Back in November last year, I showed you how to easily create a VMware ESX4.x Installation USB u...
Bit of a memory jogger for me this post, but possibly handy for others too. Yes I realise that this information is almost everywhere on the net, but I can ne...
Windows users: Lost both Administrator user account name and password? Perhaps you need access without changing any existing administrative accounts?&n...
The holy grail of Android and Lotus users is one step closer! A Lotus Sametime client that runs on Android! Almost. Let me clarify this a l...
From the 1939 propaganda poster, with a dash of IT Crowd.If ever you have a tech problem and don't know what to do, just complete the above. You'll be ...
Well here it is - the trailer! Now, now, now, contain yourself dear reader!One thing to keep in mind whilst watching; it just goes to show that Radiohe...
Not sure how I found this on youtube... Dungeness is about twenty minutes car drive from me. Very well made and interesting short film. Well worth a wa...
Sky+ receiver sounding like it's about to take off? Don't remember parking that F1-11 in the lounge?OK this has happened to me a couple of times now, u...
When it comes to supporting friends, family, whomever remotely - perhaps over the telephone - it is not unusual to spend extended amounts of time just answer...
Having finally got around to watching the first episode tonight, and unaccustomed as I am for posting about TV shows on this here Blog, I feel compelled to s...
Bye Bye What the.....? Blog Mark II, hello Mark III.I'm sure you'll agree, Mark III is a significant improvement over its predecessor in ease of use, navigat...
Continuing series of VMware ESX update to build number tracking.As always, it's a simple bit of info, often hard to find.ESXi 4.1 = Build 260247 - Released 1...
A quick link-around post detailing the browser extensions I usually install plus a bit of info on each. The idea is to try and keep a frequently used e...
It's that time of year again. Only this time, I have a name for the enemy that plagues us.Why it's thips (there is no singular term apparently).Thrips (Order...
I like comments. They make blogging worthwhile. Its good to feel engaged. However, Blogger's comment system is primitive to say the least. I...
Like it or not smartphone applications ("apps") are here to stay.Lets face it, we all like to have that "wizzy" app that allows us to do this or that, or dis...
Mount Ashford? What's all this?Didn't you know Ashford had a 'mountain'? OK, OK, Ashford doesn't. However, it does have a triangulation point (ak...
Had occasion to visit a customer's site last week. Business as usual, nothing much to write home about.All except their hand dryers in the Gents lavato...
Make no mistake, Facebook privacy is at best, so overly complicated, it's pants.With around 50 settings and over 170 options, Facebook's privacy settings are...
*** NOTE*** This post relates to bypassing Windows and Linux Operating System security. The tool discussed here is for HOME USE ONLY! ...
Here is a great little workaround; how to boot any PC (or virtual machine) from a USB device.As shown in previous posts USB Antivirus, Ubuntu USB and ESX4 US...
*** Checkout Easy Bootable Antivirus CD/USB: UPDATED for an even easier process!*** With the prevalence of Viruses / Rootkits / Spyware and all sorts o...
If you are not aware, all UK airports are closed tonight due to an ash cloud from a volcanic eruption in Iceland:See this BBC article for additional detail. ...
As last Thursday (April 8th) saw the Beta 2 release of Ubuntu v10.04-LTS (Long Term Support), I thought I would give this new version a trial run on my test-...
As I've had such great success using UNetbootin to create a VMware ESX 4.0 bootable installer USB - See here for details - I'm going to have a bash at creati...
With over 10,000 hits coming from America alone, it was decided that this year's What the.....? Blog tour should be to go visit Uncle Sam - to say thank you ...
A couple of gratuitous eye candy screenshots from my Android T-Mobile Pulse (based on the Huawei U8220).You'll see why I know it as my "Funky Phone":Operatin...
Google.Love them or hate them as a company and leaving the privacy issues aside for a moment, you have to agree that Google have built themselves a pretty go...
It's a simple question. A question that seems to be popping up more and more these days."Can my laptop / desktop / server / whatever run a 64bit Operat...
As readers will know, advertising in general really does wind me up. So, why prey tell am I posing an advert here?Simple. This advert typifies the exac...
With the proliferation of wireless networks, it is becoming more and more likely that if you live in upwards of a fairly well a populated area, you are going...
Do you like my latest addition?Yeah, I do too!In an effort to lower the bounce rate of this site, I found this excellent related posts widget. The kill...
From Wikipedia:The administrative shares are the default network shares created by all Windows NT-based operating systems (NT / 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / Wi...
They certainly are!Bus Slogan Generator Have fun.- Chris
Ever looked up into the sky and thought "I wonder where that plane is off to or coming from?"Or more importantly "I bet they're going somewhere warm.... luck...
Simple bit of info, often hard to find:ESX 4.0 = Build 164009 - Released 21 May 2009ESX 4.0 Update 1 = Build 208167 - Released 19 Nov 2009ESX 4.0 Update 2 = ...
Just signed in to facebook. Sending a quick reply to a comment, you know, no biggie.Looks like you have to enter some captcha words before you are allo...
It happens to us all eventually.Just like anything else, appointments, meetings, conference calls, you name it, wedding anniversaries (especially wedding ann...
OK, this was a fun little side line project until it got serious. All our heats and prayers go out to all those affected by the recent earthquake in Haiti. ...
Quick post to mention that I've just released ChrisControl v2 Beta 2.See all the details on the ChrisControl Google code site hereDownload from the ChrisCont...
What's happening around the world now?No, right now - this minute?By now, I'm sure we are all aware about the magnitude 6.5 earthquake off off the California...
On the two or three occasions I've used LogMeIn 'in anger' to remotely assist in resolving issues with friends computers, I've always had the same issue. &nb...
OK, OK, It's been a while since I promised to, but I've started development on ChrisControl again.Decided to host the shebang over at google code. Link...
Back in May 2009 (blimey... that long ago?!), I posted this guide on how to get faster ADSL broadband for less than £20.Recap: the deal is to purchase a DG83...
And so it came to pass.Having lent our old Monopoly game many years ago and not got it back, it was time to purchase a new game. The idea being; lets i...
So you've taken the plunge and bought one of those flashy digital 'straight to memory card' video camcorders.Excellent. So you've shot all this video a...
As is almost traditional on this blog, (see my Halloween post), it's time for some more cards.And finally, not a Christmas card per-se, but topical anyway:Fr...
I'm not that much of a game player. XBox, Playstation, Wii, PC - I can take or leave them all, and I generally leave them.In the true sense of the phrase; I ...
OK, this is could be called a cheat, but it achieves the desired effect and works well.Having only run Windows 7 either in a VMware virtual machine or on my ...
This took a bit of searching and a fair bit of trial and error, but here it is, how to install VMware ESX from a USB stick.RequirementsA copy of VMware ESX 4...
Just recently I've had cause to analyse some VMware ESX logs in a bid to understand what was going on with a problematic ESX server and just what could be do...
Confused by the plethora of Windows 7 versions available?Not sure what the difference is between Windows 7 Home Premium and Windows 7 Professional?You want t...
Click on any image in this blog and you will see that it opens in a 'floating dialogue' above the current web page. Perhaps Wikipedia describes it bett...
Regular readers will have noticed that one of the countdown timers on this blog (they are gone now) was to the latest Ubuntu release - version 9.10 aka "Karm...
The old religion chestnut cracked once and for all:lol. Love the first three questions.Via Chris
A bit of humor as the weather forecast for trick-o-treating doesn't look up to much. From someecards.- Chris
Update to my Windows 7 and Truecrypt 6.2a post.Truecrypt 6.3 is now available. One slight problem when trying to upgrade:Ho Hum.... This will be because I'm...
Stuck for something to do this weekend? Try Astrobash! Ashford Astronomical Society presents Astrobash. A full afternoon and evening of space, science ...
Very very funny. A must see:Some say the site makes fun of misfits. And they are right.I'm just enjoying these photos of human beings in all thei...
UPDATE: Checkout and download my CDP client for Windows over on github Lets face it. We have all been there; "where does this network cable / upli...
Well I've been umm-ing and arr-ing about a new blog layout for a while now.So after a bit of searching and some minor tweaking of the new template, here we a...
You've never tried?You don't know where to start?You can't read music?You don't know your semi-breve from your semi-tone?No problem! If you can use a m...
No I don't know what STOP 0x05001146 BSOD stop code stands for either.Seen on a HP DL580 G2 when booting from either Windows 2003 or Windows 7 based WinPE CD...
The eleventh logo for the eleventh Doctor:Looks better than the flying discotheque sign....!Also found this. The show is due to air 2010 on Disney XD in the...
A free, small, simple and functional piece of software I love.Word Clock is a typographic screen-saver for Windows and Mac OS X. It displays a fixed list of ...
I like Windows 7. I also like TruCrypt full disk encryption on my personal laptop. It may potentially be the last line of defence should my personal la...
I know what your thinking, Google's home page is pretty minimalist already. How can it cut down down any further?Have a look at this:Looks pretty minimal to...
Understandably, the free hypervisors (or Virtual Infrastructure Nodes - VINs - as we used to call them back in the old days) ESX 3i and 4i from VMWare have s...
Continuing on in the "I don't like being advertised AT" series [previous posts here and here]. Quick recap for those catching up; As you may have guessed, I ...
Purely by accident, we've stumbled across a winning TV show for keeping children quiet. I think you'll be surprised as Mrs H and I were.Aggie MacKenzie &...
Is this really for real?When was the last time you watched something that cringe-worthy?My favourite quotes (ohh but there are so many):2:41 - "Ohh you went ...
Following on from my post blog post regarding TV advertising. As you may have guessed, I really don't like being advertised at. Yes thats right, ...
Panic stations everyone! The Sat-Nav is not switching on!!Good job I was at home and only had to find the location of a birthday party my son had been invite...
The Problem In these days of increased office mobility, home working and increased office globalisation (also known as off-shoring), the common conferen...
Because I can never remember and the pieces of paper floating around in my laptop bag are looking more and more dog-eared...Mounting USB Stick (needs to be f...
OK, you are happily watching your favourite TV programme and it’s time for the adverts.Before you know it, a whole stream of those really annoying adverts co...
England - Croatia ITV1 half time adverts. Virgin 25 advert popped on. You know the one: Admittedly this game is the first bit o...
Awesome indeed..... - Chris
In this age of social-networking, video-sharing, wikis, blogs, mashups, etc, it's always refreshing to see these technological advances being put to good use...
Recently when using MS Remote Desktop (aka RDP) I've started to notice this kind of screen corruption: Weird grid lines, "noise" type artefacts an...
Just found this website purpose of the site is to turn your handwriting into a Windows true type font. It's quite clever...
Just found out about this. What an excellent piece of kit. I want one. TV-B-Gone KitWhat is it?Put simply this little gizmo will switch off pretty much any...
I know I downloaded that 25Mb file a couple of hours ago, but I've no idea where I saved it. Oh well, I'll download it again. I've got broadband, it's all g...
Just received a letter from a holiday company we have dealt with before offering us "£££££'s off on visits to local attractions." Obviously the company is t...
Following on from my Cheapest way to faster broadband?!? post in May...Things seemed a bit r-r-rapido this morning, so a quick look around settings / speedte...
Taken with my own fair hand during last night's storm over Ashford:OK, Lets get one thing straight off the bat here -My first attemptI'm no David BaileyI'm u...
Simple bit of info, often hard to find:ESX 3.5.0 Update 1 = Build 64607ESX 3.5.0 Update 2 = Build 110268ESX 3.5.0 Update 3 = Build 123630ESX 3.5.0 Update 4 =...
This summer Mars is giving away 100,000 balls at this promotional websiteAll you need to do is enter a promotional code into the site and click "CHECK CODE"....
How about a mobile phone internet dongle that works with any mobile phone provider? (Obviously an internet enabled SIM would be required)How about free mobil...
A long time ago in a galaxy [you know the rest], I created a small program that allowed you to connect to a remote Windows based PC or server and remotely ad...
Well that's it then. I'm a fully paid up leader now. Time to start behaving I suppose!!Thank-yous should go to all that helped me get here, especially:Andrea...
Shame. No more Christmas cards...From the very funny Sniff Petrol of course - - Having a tantrum about rule changes, every month....
The Digihome DTR160 - Just like mine!The Digihome DTR160 PVR (Personal Video Recorder) - Based on the Vestel T825. Great unit, shame about some of the stupi...
The broadband speed test figures on the left speak for themselves.Around double the download speed all for less than £20. How is this done?Back StoryFor sev...
Here's the fix:1. Create a directory (c:\vmtools)2. Mount the VMware Tools CD3. Copy VMware Tools.msi to the directory you created4. Copied the VCBRequested....
Often it's said that you cannot install and run 2 VPN clients on a Windows platform.Well, whatever...Those, like I, that know different and have legitimate u...
Hello world