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Chris Hall

Principal Technical Consultant

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Comments Pic: Miss Miah
I like comments.  They make blogging worthwhile.  Its good to feel engaged. 

However, Blogger's comment system is primitive to say the least. It's not really cutting it for me.

Well there is no way to blacklist serial comment spammers.  There is no way (that I have found) to even report comment spammers to a higher authority, whomever that maybe (Google?).
It's not that I've been receiving that much comment spam, but I have received some. And for me, some is too much already.

This page over at Project Honey Pot highlights the problem.  Looks like comments spamming is big!

So, what's the fix?
Dump the blogger comment system and move to something else. That something is Disqus.  Why Disqus?
  1. Built in spam filtering.  Oh yes!
  2. The ability to ban users by either email address and / or IP address.  You can do it with email, why not with blog comments?
  3. Threaded comments.  Nice when trying to track and reply to other comments
  4. Live comments. If your site is busy people will not have to hit refresh to see new comments
  5. Whenever you leave a comment on another Disqus enabled site you will be able to see and track all your comments from the Disqus profile screen. This is great if you are trying to remember where you left that comment on a blog a while ago
  6. Comment using Twitter or Facebook IDs. Users can use either to login and leave comments
  7. It's FREE!
Amongst others.

Rather than detail the whole process here, I'll link you to the TV Tech Girl's Blog here

Job done.  Go on I dare you to comment.............

- Chris